Once upon a time there was a princess who was named Glinda, and she had a pet fairy named Marissa and they lived a dull life until a dragon came and attacked. That was where it got exciting.
The guards did not realize that Glinda was telling them to stop shooting the dragon, because she knew it was coming to help her, not to attack the castle. Finally the dragon managed to get away and to the princess. She opened her window and climbed on the dragon. It told her its name was Riverscale. It was a crystal blue dragon. Its scales and horns were surprisingly soft.
They went to a land far away where flowers grew and it was always summer and beautiful. Marissa came too and she had babies and they filled the land. She loved this land compared to her dull, gray land at home. It was beautiful. She lived happily in the castle where she was crowned as crown princess and the queen was much nicer than the queen at her home. The birds singing in the morning sounded like chimes ringing. She loved the way the deer galloped around the castle and she even got to ride her very own dragon. Of course, it was Riverscale.
They had many more adventures together.